I was the first British Asian professional footballer in the UK and was presented with the LifeTime Achievement Award at Wembley in 2018, as well as being the winner of the Inspiration Award at the 1st Asian Football Awards in 2012. I was presented with an award for my services to football by Prince William and the FA at Buckingham Palace in 2013.
Whilst I have given many talks as part of my scientific research with presentations at international conferences, I also speak on many occasions as a guest or motivational speaker for companies and events.
I speak on a variety of topics inspired from sport, ethnicity, diversity, culture, emotion and life.

Guest Speaker
Schweizer Illustrierte
Top 100 Women of BaselSchweizer Illustrierte
Presented by Schweizer illustrierte as one of the ten ‘Ground Breaking Women’ of Basel and subsequently voted #1 in the public vote.
Read it here!

Commonwealth Sports Development Conference
Keynote speaker, Glasgow 2013.Commonwealth Sports Development Conference
Keynote speaker at the 4th Commonwealth Sports Development Conference programmeheld in Glasgow, 2013.
The program put Youth centre stage and focussed on the development of a Youth Sport Charter.
The conference explored the role and responsibilities of Commonwealth sporting and governmental agencies in improving opportunities for participation, and pathways to personal excellence, as well as looking at how young people can have greater influence on sports policy and decision making.

FIFA Ambassador
New Zealand & Fiji Girls Football Development AmbassadorFIFA Ambassador
Visited Fiji and New Zealand during 2007 in Ambassadorial role for FIFA.Guest presenter at FFA Women’s Football Strategic Planning Workshop, Fiji.

Guest speakerEEMEA Managers, Marrakech
After the merger of Merck with Schering-Plough in 2009, I was invited to Marrakech as the guest speaker at a motivational weekend for the Marketing Managers of the EEMEA regions.
Berlin Academy for Mediation and Intercultural Communication (Bamik)
Panel SpeakerWomen in Leadership Positions, an Intercultural Comparison
Berlin Academy for Mediation and Intercultural Communication (Bamik)
“Women in Leadership Positions, an Intercultural Comparison” – was discussed at the Intercultural Forum, organised by the Berlin Academy for Mediation and Intercultural Communication (Bamik) as a contribution to the Women’s Football World Cup 2011.
Luzerner Kantonal Bank
Guest SpeakerThe Courage To Change
Luzerner Kantonal Bank
Event organised by Luzerner KantonalBank for its female clients.I was the guest speaker for this annual event. The theme for this year was “Courage To Change”.

Vision 2020
The Future of WorkInvited speaker
Vision 2020
Vision 2020: The Future of Work – Centre for Performance at Work Launch Event“Leaders of tomorrow will discuss their ideas about how work should look in 2020”
Invited speaker at this event held at City University London, 2010.

International Football Arena
Invited SpeakerInternational Football Arena
Invited Speaker for IFA Loves Women World Cup Event, Zug, Switzerland.Invited guest for panel discussion on upcoming European Football Championships to be held in Switzerland.

Kick It Out
Invited SpeakerKick It Out
Invited speaker at various events in UK for Kick It Out, football’s equality and inclusion organisation in UK.
BBC Radio Asian Network
Sport Reviews & DiscussionsBBC Radio Asian Network
Guest for a variety of shows relating to football, Asian cultural issues, sport.
Sport and Social Inclusion Symposium, Berne
Panel DiscussionSport and Social Inclusion Symposium, Berne
Following the last EURO 2008 match at the Stade de Suisse, a symposium at the Paul Klee Centre looked at the potential of sport for social inclusion. Academics, policy–makers, athletes, professionals and young people, mainly from Switzerland and the UK, came together to share knowledge on the power of sport, showcase groundbreaking initiatives and discuss the limits and possibilities of using sport as a tool for social inclusion. The symposium was coordinated by the Swiss Academy for Development and jointly initiated by the Swiss Embassy in London and the British Embassy in Berne.
Viva Con Agua
Charity Football Team